Wading Trips

Delayed Harvest Wade Fishing Trips

The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission stocks thousands of trout in 34 creeks and rivers across western North Carolina from early fall to late spring. The high quantities of trout increase angler’s chances of hooking quality fish. These waters provide excellent learning environments for beginner anglers to learn new techniques, and allows experienced anglers to refine their existing skills. The Catawba Angler provides half and full day trips on the following creeks and rivers in western North Carolina: Curtis Creek, Mill Creek, Catawba River, Big Laurel Creek, Shelton Creek, North Toe River, North Fork Mills River, and Tuckaseegee River which are all delayed harvest waters. If you are just new to the sport of fly fishing or simply wanting to catch numerous fish, then this trip is for you.      

Half Day for 1-2 anglers (4 hours): $300

Full Day for 1-2 anglers (6-8 hours): $400

For a 3rd angler add $100.

Trips Include:

All Gear (Flies, Rods, Reels, Boots, and Waders)

Lunch is provided on full day trips only.
